European Enamel Association

Administrative Headquarter
European Enamel Association AISBL
Rue Belliard 12
1040 Brussels

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July 2023
Enamel Industry position on the assessment of the hygienic suitability of enamel materials in contact with drinking water

In the frame of the European harmonization of the materials intended to be in contact with drinking water, EEA WGDW is pleased to be a stakeholder with ECHA [European Chemicals Agency] in the construction of the first European positive list for the Drinking Water Directive (EU) 2020/2184 that is planned to be published in 2025. It is very important for EEA to be represented in these discussions, which will lead to major changes in the assessment of enamels intended to be in contact with drinking water for the European market. The WGDW will continue its efforts to supports the European authorities in the recast of the article 11 of the drinking water directive.

September 2021
New European directive on drinking water came into force

On January 12th 2021 the new European directive on drinking water came into force. Member States have two years to transpose it into their National laws. Directive 2184/2020 provides an update of water quality standards. Twenty years after the entry into force of the first directive on drinking water (98/83/EC), the European Union has revised the contaminant thresholds (e.g. lead) and has introduced limits for new substances. Starting from January 12th 2023 the old directive will be repealed.

WGDW is also closely supporting the 4MSI Common approach for enamels materials that will be used after the Article 11 of the European directive 2184/2020

WGDW is pleased to note that UBA - Umwelt Bundesamt [Federal Environment Ministry - Germany] has changed the conversion factor for hot water tanks (>10l) in the updated document Evaluation Criteria Document for enamels and ceramic materials in contact with drinking water (Table 14 of ยง8.3.5). This is the result of a long cooperation between EEA and UBA, in which the real surface/volume ratios of the existing hot water tanks in the market have been used  to come to a realistic conversion factor. The updated document will come into force on 12/09/2021.

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